The stone rejected by the builders has now become the cornerstone. —Luke 20:17
Jesus is the Cornerstone. A cornerstone is a large, immovable stone that sets the direction for an entire building. Trying to test and move Jesus by questions and tricks was impossible—a point the Pharisees amply proved. He is unchangeable Truth, the Rock of integrity and honesty. If you try to move Him or persuade Him to change His standard, you will be crushed (v. 18) as that Stone falls on you. You can’t go around Him, under Him, or over Him. Proverbs 13:15 says, “A person with good sense is respected; a treacherous person walks a rocky road.” Being treacherous means you’re trying to push God’s truth out of your life! Why not build on the truth rather than trying to budge it? Don’t alter it, try to move it, or break it. Fall upon that Stone and let Him break your will to pieces. Then allow the Holy Spirit to build your life upon the foundation of eternal truth. Align the walls of your life to match the direction of the Cornerstone. A life built upon His truth will last for all eternity. He will never change. Isn’t it time you did?
Suggested Reading:
Joshua 21:1-22:20
Luke 20:1-26
Psalm 89:1-13
Proverbs 13:15-16